Dear Community Partner


Supportive Guidance is a nonprofit organization that aims to empower and uplift low income and vulnerable communities with an emphasis on providing services and support to immigrant populations and individuals and families experiencing poverty. While many throughout our state are rebounding in this time of economic recovery, more than 600,000 Minnesotans still live in poverty.  Minnesota is home to some of the worst racial disparities in the nation. Minnesota’s poverty rate for persons of color is statistically higher than the national average (26% compared to 23%), while our poverty rate for non-Hispanic whites is statistically lower (8% compared to 11%).

Our agency takes an individualized approach to helping our clients. We seek to connect them with the services and support needed to combat their own economic vulnerability, lead full lives and contribute to the positive direction of their communities. Each year, more than 2,000 individuals and families benefit from our services, interventions, advocacy and other efforts.

We rely heavily on the support of our community partners, who every day help us breathe life into the mission and vision of the organization. I am writing you today to ask for your support. In a time of limited resources, we are seeking the support of our community businesses and partners to help us advance our mission.

I’d like to ask you to please consider making a donation to Supportive Guidance. Donations can come in the form of a tax deductible donation of items or financial contributions. As we near the holiday season, the individuals and families served through Supportive Guidance often experience financial hardship and difficulty getting their basic needs met.

I would welcome the opportunity to share more about our organization and provide any additional questions you might have. Thank you for your time and consideration.


All my best,

Monica Phutseevong, President / CEO

Supportive Guidance

(612) 205 – 1106